Thursday, December 24, 2015

Holiday Sale: A Perfect Time to Sign Up

Star Citizen Holiday Sale Going On Now!

As promised, Star Citizen is having it's annual holiday sale.  This means that, if you haven't already, it's a perfect time to sign up with a referral code.  Every ship is on sale, including ship packages, which usually clock in about a 5% discount and have LTI if it costs more than $1000. 

Another impetus for this sale is the change going on with the Euro conversion.  Because of it's declining value, the prices of pledges will be higher starting January 1, 2016.  So if you're a citizen of a country that cannot use the dollar, head on over to their sale thread and take a look, these deals won't last forever!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Attention: Game Packages Changing Janurary 1, 2016

Holiday Livestream Announcements for Star Citizen

The Holiday Livestream has come and gone, and boy was it a doozy!  What started out a little slow revealed a lot of information regarding the release of 2.1.  The most important piece of information is the release of 2.1 will most likely happen before Christmas.  This means that other things, like the flyable Freelancer and hangar ready Sabre will be here before we know it!

I'd like to take a moment to appreciate just how fast they've been able to push the Sabre out.  Being Hangar Ready only a few months after the concept release shows how much they've improved their ship pipeline.  Hopefully, we can see this beast in action before the drop of 2.3!

The other piece of Really Important News is the unfortunate news that Game Packages will be changing starting on Janurary 1, 2016.  As it was predicted, the Persistent Universe portion is being split from Squadron 42 into two separate games.  This means that instead of getting two games for the price of 25% off one game, you have to spend twice as much to purchase them separately. 

If there was a time to invest into the game, it's now.  Starter packages are only $45, and with the free referral code provided on this page, you can even score an additional $5 of in-game credit when you enlist.

Finally, check out this new video on Youtube answering the question, What Is Star Citizen?  It's a 10 minute guide to everything that Star Citizen is and what you need to do to get started.

As usual, I'll see you all in the 'Verse!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Incoming! December 16th Live Stream

Robert's Space Industries Holiday Livestream

On December 16th, RSI will be having their annual Holiday Livestream.  This is always a great opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at the people who put so much work into creating Star Citizen.  While they haven't officially announced the time, it is usually some time during the day, so I hope you can watch from work like I can!

If you want to tune in, check out their homepage to find out when it will be happening.

There's been rumored to be a lot they will show us that we haven't seen already.  Among the rumors is the possibility of the procedural asteroid and mining functions.  There are also rumors of special ship sales that may be happening.  One thing that's not a rumor: the Idris-P and, more excitingly, the Javelin Destroyer will be making a comeback.  For those who want to pony up on a spaceship worth more than some used cars, this is your chance.

If you watch the livestream, be sure to come back to this blog and tell me what  you thought of it.  If Star Citizen seems something you may be interested in, then I can only recommend you follow this link to learn the best way to sign up for free.

See you in the 'Verse!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

What Starting Weapon Should I Choose?

Behring Laser Cannons vs K&W Repeaters

Sometimes it's good to take a step back and consider the more ultimate questions in life.  Questions like, who are we?  Why are we here?  Which Star Citizen laser cannon is the best?  While there is no clear answer on that last question, today we will weigh some of the pros and cons of each one and let you decide for yourself.

Behring Laser Cannon
Behring M3A Laser Cannon

The M3A is Behring’s entry level laser cannon. The cannon configuration offers modest damage per projectile and a fairly low rate of fire. As the most basic offering in Behring’s weapons lineup, it features low power consumption, but poor power efficiency. It makes up ground for its shortcomings by being cheap, a feature many pilots are looking for when outfitting their ships on a budget.

The Behring laser lineup is common on ships leaving the lot these days.  Don't let the description fool you, the low power efficiency is due to the low velocity of the projectile and the high energy:damage ratio.  The upsides, however, is a very economical weapon that requires very little management during use.  Without needing to keep an eye on your power draw or heat levels, you can focus entirely on landing the shots.  Being able to constantly fire means you can constantly put pressure on the target and keep their shields down.

K&W Laser Repeater

Featuring a three-barrel sequential fire design, the Klaus & Werner CF-007 Bulldog repeater is capable of high rates of fire while maintaining accuracy. It has low damage per projectile and, although it has relatively low power consumption over-all, several publications have commented on its somewhat lackluster efficiency. Even so, the CF-007 remains a favorite among new pilots who are outfitting their first ship.

A staple of many Arena Commander jocks, the K&W repeaters are a favorite due to their high rate of fire.  More shots means more chances to hit, so if you're having trouble aiming in Arena Commander, try this out for size.  Because there are so many projectiles, however, you need to watch your heat buildup or risk damaging the weapon.  There's a good amount of sustained fire you can accomplish with K&W's craftsmanship, but if you want to fire with less pauses, you'll need to put more power to your weapon's cooling banks.  

If you're considering Star Citizen, please Enlist at the link provided in THIS POST.

Star Citizen Guru will see you in the 'Verse!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Video: How to Buy Star Citizen

How to Buy Star Citizen: The Video

Buying Star Citizen isn't terribly complicated, but if you're like me, you can use all the help you can get!  This video guides us through the process of Enlisting and purchasing our first game package from the Roberts Space Industries website. 

See you in the 'verse soon!

Just follow THIS LINK to find out more!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Beginner's Guide to Star Citizen Game Packages

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Starter Package for Star Citizen

Part 1

So you've taken my advice and created an account by enlisting on the Star Citizen website with the referral code provided, but now what?

The after you've taken a liking to this game and decided to proceed with a purchase, there is only one place to begin.  Select a starter package.  There are two starter packages available at this time for the lowest cost of $45, outside of infrequent promotions.  These give you the completed game (Star Citizen MMO), the Squadron 42 first chapter single player game and a basic starter ship.  Each package also contains a hangar in which your selected ship will be housed and 1,000 UEC.  This will bring your currency up to six thousand upon the release of the game if you used the promotional link offered earlier.  Finally, since the 1 millionth member joined Star Citizen (at the request of a friend!) all starter packages include alpha and beta access at no additional charge.  This means that you can start flying your ship today!

The Agile Mustang

Your choices between the two ships are the small, but mighty, Aurora by the manufacturer RSI, and the agile Mustang produced by the in-game company Consolidated outland.  The Aurora MR variant is a utilitarian craft that has mostly fixed weapons, some cargo capacity and a sleeping area for longer voyages into space.  The Mustang Alpha variant is faster and more agile, but doesn't have the durability of the Aurora.  Choose whatever ship you want based on your preferance.  It is important to know that you can apply an upgrade token to this ship should you decide that you do not want it anymore, so don't feel pigeonholed.

The Customizable Aurora

The main thing is to get a Starter Package as early as you can, for the best price.  Star Citizen will eventually sell for what a comparable game does, $60, and not include Squadron 42!

My personal suggestion is to choose the Aurora.  I have flown both extensively, and while the Mustang is certainly more agile and weaponized, the Aurora is sturdier and easier to control which should serve you well for your first Star Citizen spaceship.  If you haven't already signed up on the RSI website...what are you waiting for?  It's fast, free and you can earn the maximum incentive by following this link HERE.  See you in the 'Verse!